Frequently Asked Questions

  • The craniosacral system is one of the first things to develop in new life. The membrane that encases the craniosacral system (the dura mater) bathes the system in craniosacral fluid. This fluid has an inherent movement: “primary respiration,” which is called primary because it forms before the lungs do.

    Anyone who has done yoga will know that flexibility of the spine is correlated to greater health. Think of cerebrospinal fluid as a lubricant of the spine—the more flow you have from the tailbone to the cranium, the more benefit to the bones, organs and systems of the body, which all have a relationship with this movement.

    If you hurt your hand, the repercussions can be brought back to your craniosacral system and nervous system. A mental or trauma issue can stem from your craniosacral system and nervous system into any part of the body. In other words, physical injuries or impacts may affect us to our core while injuries to our core (our craniosacral & nervous systems) may have repercussions on the physical body.

    Practitioners learn to attune to and feel the movement of the craniosacral system. It takes approximately two years to learn to develop palpitation skills and achieve a clear understanding of human anatomy and this particular modality.

    BCST’s (Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists) learn to heal imbalances in the CS system by using the patient’s natural healing abilities.

    This work in non-invasive with no outside force applied at all, making BCST it very safe and effective for all ages. It is especially is especially beneficial to people who have been suffering or are wary of more treatment being “done” to them. Craniosacral therapy can be empowering. The patient’s system is in charge and moving at a pace and capacity that is available to them.

    Stemming from Osteopathic medicine, craniosacral therapy consists of several lineages. Our work is biodynamic - taking in the whole field of the body and its relationship to the practitioner and the environment.

  • I love Energy Therapy because it first requires the practitioner to be present, to be conscious of her own energy, and to maintain that energy regularly.

    We first learn about managing our own energy systems and creating a better relationship with our environment and our relationships with the energy of others.

    This was SO important for me to learn as a practitioner because, as someone who had always felt others’ emotions so strongly, it was difficult for me to distinguish my own emotions from others’ emotions. Sometimes, when I really wanted their suffering to end, I felt that I would take on their emotions in, as if to say “Here, I’ll hold that for you.”

    Energy healing helped me to shift this pattern and to establish clear energetic boundaries. This in turn helped me to learn how to see and clear others’ energy and how they can seeped into our own energies.

    I then learned to heal with energy by using my natural intuitive abilities (We all have them, even if you think you don’t, you do). This included working on the chakras, clearing energetic cords that can cause energy leaks, and clearing issues related to past lives.

    Energy healing is a modality that is suitable for just about anyone of any age. All work is done without contact, making it well-suited for distance work via remote sessions.

  • Acutonics is an applied use of sound vibration. Think acupuncture needles, but replace them with sound and vibration. The sound waves move through the meridians of the body and resonate with your inherent frequencies, bringing more balance and reconnection.

    Practitioners learn traditional acupuncture points and applications. The training is a blend of East Asian medicine, psychology, science, and the arts.

    These tuning forks hold specialized planetary frequencies. There is a sun fork, a new moon fork, a Neptune fork, and so on. Tuning forks may be used directly on the physical body or used in the energetic space around the body.

    Practitioners use an Ohm fork in conjunction with the planetary forks. The Ohm frequency grounds us, brings us back to the here & now. External noise and internal chatter seem to fade away, and we come back to a state of internal balance.

    Sound healing can be accomplished with many things, such as the specific frequencies of music, singing bowls, rattles and gongs or drumming, clapping, chanting, and humming. I primarily use tuning forks and singing bowls and my voice.

    I’ve applied Acutonics in many ways: to clear the energy of homes and businesses, clear trauma-great for animals; my work with an abused parrot is unforgettable), shift physical issues and mental and spiritual states, and gain better alignement.

    When working with an abused dog, I simply sounded and pointed the Ohm fork in her direction. Although she remained in the corner with her back to me, her tail began to wag. When I took the fork out of her direct alignment, her tail would stop.

    I’ve worked with countless people with sound, from children to the drying and just about everyone in between.

    People feel and respond to frequencies—all of the time. For instance, when you walk into a room full of people, you can “feel” who you want to go and talk to. And who you want to steer clear of. You can feel when someone or something is “off”. Vibration is everywhere and all around us. Acutonics is a modality that allows us to realign with the divine frequencies of the universe and recall our natural order.

    These sessions are offered In-Person only.

    To read more about Acutonics, visit HERE

  • We meet via Zoom (or Facetime if preferred). As with all sessions, the remote session is about you. We always start with a discussion about the state of things— the state of your mind, body—and soul.

    We’ll then move on to a meditation to guide you into a relaxed state. You may choose to sit up—or lay down.

    Using my foundational intuitive skills in Energy Healing and my knowledge of anatomy and inner workings of the body gained from Biodynamic Craniosacral Studies, I treat the client on an energetic level.

    It is important to note that these sessions are not Biodynamic Craniosacral sessions because BCST is, by definition, a hands-on modality.

    I have long treated by phone and Zoom on an energetic level, and I found that I could work with others quite well when I began to add in working at an anatomical level from afar.

    This work is a fusion of holistic remedies that I have studied throughout my life.

  • A session always begins by discussing your health concerns and history with your Practitioner. I also like to ask that you to set an intention for the session.

    During a session, you will be fully clothed, first sitting and then lying on a massage table. The environment will be adjusted to your liking; for example, the room temperature and lighting to provide maximum comfort.

    There will be a period of dialogue before the therapist makes physical contact with you. This can take some time. Our systems need to settle into safety and comfort before we can fully relax.

    Generally, sessions tend to be still and quiet. The touch applied is gentle and light. Your therapist may inquire about what you are experiencing at times or check in to see if the touch is right for you.

    During the session, depending on your areas of concern, your therapist can go to just about any area of the body, using the contact that feels best for you.

    The therapist will gently hold parts of your body, tuning in to the subtle rhythms and tracking changes in your system.

    During this process, the therapist listens for your body’s expression of the order of priorities for this particular session to achieve your desired outcome.

    The client has the option to enjoy the benefits of a Biomat during their session for an additional nominal fee.

    It is important to note that while a single session can have noticeable effects, it often takes multiple sessions to achieve the results you are seeking.

    During a session, you may:

    Relax so deeply that you fall asleep

    Enter a quiet meditation-like state

    Feel as if you are dreaming while awake

    Experience memories or insights

    Enjoy a pleasant sense of warmth, softening, widening or floating

    You may experience other sensations as your body releases long-held energy.

    Often, patterns that inhibit vitality and health begin to release, allowing shifts and integration of mind, body and soul.

    At the end of a session, you may:

    Feel energized, but also super relaxed

    Breathe more fully and deeply

    Stand straighter and taller

    Feel more comfortable in your body or have a renewed sense of peace and ease

    Notice an improvement in sleep patterns

    At the end of the session, when you leave the table, the therapist will check in with you and discuss your experience.

    The effects can also be felt after you leave your session. Over the following two to three days, you may notice shifts in your health and overall life experience.

    By paying attention to the lasting effects of your therapy, you will be able to gauge what the ongoing use of this work might offer for you.

  • Just setting aside time for self-care can allow for transformation to occur, and just setting an intention can initiate change.

    Benefits will vary by person and by session. One of the most beautiful descriptions of the work was provided to me by a client who described it as a sense of warmth - like when a drop of food coloring goes into water. Another client described feeling an electrical charge releasing from their body.

    Other clients reported increased ease in their system, improved alignment, as well as feeling more positive, upbeat, hopeful, and expansive, and having more clarity about their next steps.

    BCST is a great option for post dental work, jaw issues, and TMJ since it helps relieve tension from these areas.

    Many people report improved sleep and some have noted less pain and reduced menopausal symptoms.

    Results will vary as each person’s system is unique. This modality is very subtle—it is not a one time fix-it-all. Several sessions may be required.

  • Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is rooted in osteopathic medicine. Dr. Andrew Taylor Still —a surgeon during the Civil War observed that the medical practices of his day often did not address the root issues, were sometimes ineffective, and sometimes even caused more harm.

    Dr. Still dedicated the next 30 years of his life to studying the human body and researching different approaches for disease treatment. He was one of the first physicians of his day to promote disease prevention and encourage the philosophy of treating disease holistically rather than only addressing the symptoms only.

    Dr. Still went on to establish the first school of Osteopathy in 1892. At the time of his passing 50 years later, there were 3,000 members of this healing profession.

    Dr. Still referred to cerebrospinal fluid as the “highest known element that is contained in the human body.” In face, it is only one molecule away from sea water. Craniosacral Biodynamics is based on the work of one of him students, William Garner Sutherland, D.O., who graduated from Still’s school in 1900. Dr. Sutherland had an epiphany when observing a disarticulated skull. He noticed that the sutures of the skull resembled the gills of a fish, suggesting that the sutures must be intended for respiration. Prior to this, it was believed that all cranial sutures were fused. Dr. Sutherland was also the first to identify the rhythmic motion in the body’s tissues and fluids—a process that he described as— the body’s inherent motility—he identified that these rhythms were generated by the Breath of Life. Furthermore, he realized that our systems were enlivened by rhythmic forces present in the natural world, and if these forces were unrestricted in our human systems, improved health would result. Dr. Sutherland identified that he and the client were working with a silent partner, which he called “Dynamic Stillness”—The Dynamic Stillness where all healing springs from and he described the “five essential aspects of the primary respiratory system”, which he established as the foundation for craniosacral therapy.

  • The practitioner will perform an intake to evaluate your needs and set your intention for the session. There is no physical contact in this session.

    The practitioner will evaluate the meridians of the client and provide treatment. Planetary tuning forks in low, medium, and high frequency are used during the session.

    Other points on the body, spine, hands, feet, and head may also be treated. High frequency forks may be applied above and around the body to treat the energetic system. Singing bowls may be played around the clients body or they may be played directly on the body.

    Frequency has long been known to affect us. Come on in for a tune-up!

  • Yes. I find that children are often naturally more intuitively open than many adults and are very receptive to this type of work. They often have a sense of what needs to be addressed.

    Treatment is especially great to consider for highly sensitive children or those who need guidance on how to manage high intuition or high sensitivity.

    Please schedule a consultation with me to discuss your concerns.

  • This work is for anyone that needs help shifting an issue of the emotional, physical, or spiritual nature.

    The ideal candidate for this work is open to new ways of healing, believes in a higher spiritual power, who wants to gain insight into their own inner workings and gain insight on how to manage their own energy to provide shifts to their own system.

    This work can be deeply restorative and can be a good resource for those with trauma imprints or PTSD.

    This work can bring more balance and ease to the mind, body, and soul.