Discover Your Unlimited Potential For Healing

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is an extremely effective and gentle hands-on approach which accesses the body’s natural ability to heal from a wide variety of conditions.

One of the most important things to know and understand is that the BCST Practitioner is not doing the work—in fact the less we do, the better the session tends to go . We’re not “do-ers”—we are facilitators. It’s the client’s system that directs the session.

When you get a small cut, your body knows just what to do to heal it. Sometimes, this natural ability to heal can become compromised by adverse life experiences. In BCST, we aim to reorient imbalances, starting at the very core of our being, our nervous system and craniosacral flow. Imbalances here can have a profound impact on our physical and mental functioning and spiritual connection. Equally, a physical impact’s repercussions can radiate inward to the nervous system.

In this holistic modality, RSCT’s® (Registered Biodynamic Practitioners) address the whole body, gently guiding it back to more balance and ease. We address the physical body—the bones, cranial nerves, nervous system, ligaments, and organs—and perform intra-oral adjustments (great for post dental work or TMJ). We also address the emotional aspects of presenting imbalances. From my personal experience, unprocessed emotions held inside can often cause impact on our systems, resulting in chronic issues that just don’t seem to budge.

“The idea that that powerful unconscious emotions are responsible for mindbody disorders is based on medical history, knowledge of the psyche, physical examination, logical deduction, and trial-and error therapeutic experimentation.”

-John E. Sarno, M.D., The Divided Mind ; The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders

Working at this level has personally helped to process and release emotions related to life events that were long past their expiration date. I believe the emotional aspect of trauma has just as much impact on our systems as the physical impacts, and long-standing verbal or mental abuse has a great impact on our nervous system, self esteem, and ability to live our best life.

The spiritual aspect of the body is also considered; the space that holds our divine connection, our interconnectedness, and our potential to reconnect to our perfect health.

Each session is designed for you, and no two sessions are ever the same—however, there is rarely a pre-determined plan. Both practitioner and client settle into a meditative state. A safe field is established to enter into deep stillness; this stillness, in Sanskrit, is referred to as “Sunyata” - a luminous state where our full potentiality is found, including our potential for health. Stillness is behind every expression of life. In this space of stillness, there is opportunity for transformation: release, unwinding and recalling health. In BCST, we focus on what’s going right. We focus on the existing health within and reflect it back to your system.

For those who are overburdened by the past or present—the over-doers, the caregivers and nurturers and others who often leave their own self-care out of the equation—this work can be deeply restorative.

Highly Sensitive people can benefit from this therapy as it is non-invasive with no outside force applied, making it a great choice for anyone—from a newborn to a centenarian. By the way, did you know that high sensitivity is an inherited trait?

Holistic Remote Sessions are provided with no physical contact. It is a terrific option for those curious about exploring alternative modalities to shift chronic issues of the mind, body, or soul. Often, we’re so busy looking at the presenting issues when the root of these issues could be emotional or originate in another place in or around the body. Also, physical impacts can reflect back to our very core—our craniosacral fluid and nervous system. Please note that Holistic Remote Sessions are not Biodynamic Craniosacral Sessions; they are a blend of all modalities that I have studied .

In-person sessions are available in Gaithersburg, MD in a very limited capacity and require an Online Consultation prior to ensure that I’m the best person for you to work with.

“When you have adjusted the physical to it’s normal demands, nature supplies the remainder”

-Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, Founder of Osteopathy

You’re Too Sensitive!

Prior Trauma, Still Dealing - PTSD

10 Benefits of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

My Personal Wellness Journey

“Experiences that carry emotional energy in our energy systems…..the emotions from these experiences become encoded in our biological systems and contribute to the formation of our cell tissue, which then generates a quality of energy that reflects those emotions. These energy impressions form an energy language, which carries literal and symbolic information that a medical intuitive can read.”

-Carolyn Myss, PH.D, The Anatomy of Spirit ; The Seven Stages of Power & Healing