In-Person Sessions

Gaithersburg, MD

Dive into the depths of stillness. Step away from doing and into being. These nurturing sessions soothe the nervous system, ease the mind, bring more balance to the body, allowing your soul to shine!.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Sessions

Sessions always begin with an intake to evaluate your concerns, intentions, and needs. After the intake, you’ll recline on a massage table; you are fully clothed. There is time before the therapist makes contact, to allow time for stillness in both the client and the practitioner. This can take some time; the therapist may help to guide you towards a relaxed and meditative state - it is here that transformation has the space and capacity to occur.

The therapist will advise you when contact is going to be made, and make sure that you are ready for contact. When the first gentle hold begins, the therapist will begin to notice and read your personal patterns and flow within and around your system. Imbalances in in the craniosacral system and compensatory patterns are addressed by guiding your system towards health and accessing your own healing capacities. BSCT Practitioners facilitate resolving conditions that typically are a result of stress, overwhelm, or an injury to the mind, body or spirit.

Sessions begin with a gentle hold at your ankles. Holds may last from a minute to many minutes and holds can be performed just about anywhere on the body. The client always has a choice in the sessions and contact is negotiated; the therapist will check with you at times during the session. At times, interaction will be verbal, but typically these sessions are quiet and slow.

In BSCT, we tend to spend a lot of time at the head, neck, and sacrum but we are also trained to work with the the cranial nerves, organs, bones, ligaments, and perform intra-oral adjustments. Intra-oral adjustments (meaning the adjustments are performed inside of the mouth) can be super helpful for TMJ, post dental work and to release facial, alignment, head, and neck patterns that may radiate to your body.

During the session, you may be so relaxed that you fall asleep or feel as though you are in a dream-like state. You may become aware of subtle movements, tides, and sensations in your body. You may gain insight on personal issues or experience memories while on the table. You may experience an emotional release, allowing you to feel more freedom and spaciousness. You may experience a reconnection to self and the thread of life that connects us all.

The therapist will advise you when contact is going to be made, and ensure that you are ready to begin. When the first gentle hold is applied, the therapist will begin to notice and read your personal patterns and state of flow within and around your system. Imbalances in the craniosacral system and compensatory patterns are addressed by guiding your system towards health and accessing your own healing capabilities. BSCT Practitioners facilitate resolving conditions that typically are a result of stress, overwhelm, or an injury of the emotional, physical, or spiritual nature.

Sessions begin with a gentle hold at your ankles. Holds may last from a minute to many minutes and holds can be performed just about anywhere on the body. In BSCT, we tend to spend a lot of time at the head, neck, and sacrum but we are also trained to work with the the cranial nerves, organs, bones, ligaments, and perform intra-oral adjustments. Intra-oral adjustments (meaning they are performed inside of the mouth) can be super helpful for TMJ, post dental work and to release holding patterns in the face, head, or neck that may radiate out, affecting your entire body.

The session includes time at the end to integrate the work and ease out of stillness. After the session, the effects can often be felt for some time. You may notice improved sleep or digestion, more balance and flow, and a sense of integration or wholeness.

Sessions can be 1 hour, 1.5 hours, or 2 hours. New clients are required to book a Remote Consultation to ensure that I am the best person for you to work with and are required to book a 1.5 hour session to allow time for a thorough intake. You may choose to have a BioMat® used in conjunction with your session for an additional fee. I require an online consultation before booking your first appointment. This is because my work is client-focused and I want to make sure this is the best option for you.

In lieu of BCST, you may want to try Acutonics®. I like to call it a “Tune Up”. Sound healing can be very effective and comforting to our systems. Planetary tuning forks and singing bowls are the primary tools for this modality. The tuning forks are placed on acupuncture points. The vibration penetrates deeply into our system, can follow the path of the meridians, allow blocks to ease; reconnection can occur on every level. High frequency tuning forks are applied around the body, in the energy field. This can effective in repairing weak energetic boundaries and in tuning your overall frequency to a higher level.

Clients report feeling lighter & brighter, and everything appearing more bright. A bit more shiny, inside and out.

Gentle shifts can occur on the emotional, physical, and spiritual level. The shifts I’ve witnessed as a result of this modality include: more space as old emotional and physical impacts from past events are moved out or begin to dissolved, regulated menstrual or menopausal issues, improved mood, clarity and insight into personal issues, improved sleep, disconnection from old patterns, and reduced stress. Singing bowls may be sounded on or around your body. Although the practitioner may palpitate acupuncture points on your body, in general the tools are contacting your body during this session rather than it being hands-on session. These is an option to have a BioMat® used in conjunction with your 1 hour session for an additional fee.

Acutonics Sessions

Session Prices:

1 Hour Session BSCT or Acutonics® $125

1.5 Hour Session $150

2 Hour Session $200

Optional BioMat® with Session $10

My Cozy Treatment Room
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    The information (text, images, and graphics or other material contained on this website) are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote a broad understanding and knowledge to our consumers on a variety of holistic health and wellness topics. This website and the content within are not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Sessions - Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Acutonics, or Energy Therapy, Reiki, or Kundalini Reiki should also not be used as nor are they intended to be a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment. These types of energetic treatments are considered to be experimental. Consumers should always seek the advice of their physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions regarding a medical condition and before undertaking a new health regimen. If you have specific symptoms or a specific medical condition, approval from your medical healthcare provider may be required. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking in because of something you read on this website.

    You understand that Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Acutonics , and Energy Therapy, Reiki and Kundalini Reiki are all modalities that are unregulated by the State of Maryland. These modalities are for the purpose of relaxation and encouraging more balance and ease to the whole body, nervous system, and craniosacral system. The above therapist is practicing as a Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist through The Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America in accordance to their standards or ethics and practices.

    Only practitioners of Western medicine modalities may state that they cure diseases and ailments; biodynamic craniosacral therapy is not permitted to be considered a therapeutic tool but a holistic hands-on modality. By accessing and using this Website and Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms of this Disclaimer.s here

Your Cozy Treatment Room