10 Benefits of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

It’s hard to list all of the shifts that can happen with BSCT. This list is a compilation of improvements I’ve noticed to my own system and in my clients. Results may not be typical; everyone’s system is unique.

  • I would say most people say that they notice an improvement in the quality of their sleep after a session. They report ‘sleeping like a baby” or very deeply, bringing a feeling of restoration and renewed energy.

    This work allows your nervous system to settle. Often times, the tides and ripples you feel during the session will continue to be felt after you leave. They may lull you into a gorgeous sleep. Enjoy this restoration of mind, body, and soul.

  • BCST works to bring greater balance and ease to our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

    BSCT Therapists listen to and evaluate the subtle tides in our system and their flow, noticing any imbalances, and encouraging gentle shifts towards health and balance.

    I had a lot of spinal compression when I began my studies in this work. These compressions caused me to be shorter on one side, causing progressive low back pain, hip pain, and foot pain.

    Today, I don’t have any pain in my back, hip, or foot. I feel more aligned in every way.

  • During my studies, we had to evaluate a client as a Case Study to submit at the end of our program. I worked with consistently on a monthly basis with my case study for a year and three months.

    When we began, a lot of the work they were experiencing 8 migraines per month. It is important to note that this person had many health care professionals that they were working with over this time.

    Four months into treatments, the migraines had decreased in frequency and intensity.. Nine months into treatment, they felt they were capable of making personal and professional changes in their life that the migraines had previously inhibited.

    At the end of our time together, they reported an improved quality in sleep and overall pain to be cut in half. Their sense of well-being and balance was also increased. Treatments also provided them with knowledge about self-care, and it made it easier for them to notice the stress signals from their body. Overall, this client felt that BSCT controbuted 40% to their progress.

  • One of the greatest benefits I personally gained from this work is improved mood. Cranial compression has much to do with depression.

    Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy brings great flow to the fluids of our body, and create more space in our head! If cranial bones become compromised or are our of alignment, this can cause blocked flow or cranial compression, leaving repercussions in our entire system.

    In the course of the work I received in my studies, one of the most profound was the adjustment of the upper palette in my mouth. It used to be rather low, or un-arched, and I learned this was a sign of depression!

    Now I have a super high arch in my mouth and improved mood!

    If nerve passages have become compressed, this work can help to expand those passages for better craniosacral flow, which benefits your entire nervous system.

  • I never heard of the Venus Sinuses until I studied BSCT. The Venus Sinuses are responsible for taking the blood and cranial sacral fluid that bathe and nourish the brain back to the heart for recirculation. These Sinuses can become dense and sluggish over time. Some people even develop a watery bump at the top of their thoracic spine.

    When I had this protocol performed on me, the bags I had had under my eyes nearly my entire life were gone. Every time I have a treatment, I notice that my eyes look refreshed and I appear well-rested and have more energy.

    If Venous Sinuses are in need attention, one may experience headaches, neck tension, a sensation of congestion in the head, trouble concentrating, pain or pressure in the ear, weakness, retaining water around the eyes, and devitalized cellular function.

  • BCST Sessions can be very restorative. The sessions promote relaxation, allowing your system to orient to the parasympathetic nervous system rather than our sympathetic nervous system, which tends to run on high in those who have unresolved trauma or PTSD, resulting in tension holding patterns.

    When emotional patterning is held, it can present as a physical complaint. Equally, a physical complaint can reflect back into and affect our mental state.

    The shift to stillness that occurs in a session is a reconnection to the rhythms of nature. In our busy lives, we often put off and resist slowing down, and when our body taps into a slower pace, we tend to be reminded of our natural pace and come back to ease and flow that our bodies recognize as a preferred state.

    It is possible to shift imbalances and tension resulting from injuries, no matter how long ago they occurred. Being born can be a traumatic event alone, even more so if intervention was required. Compression in the birthing process can shift the placement of bones. In BCST, we can address pre-birth & birthing issues, which we sometimes carry throughout our lives.

    With those with TMJ, jaw tension, and issues that come post dental work can potentially gain much relief from this modality.

  • Information shared during sessions usually allows the client to expand their awareness around their condition. This can be on a physical level with a greater understanding of the mechanics, or it could insight into an emotional social or spiritual component of an issue. I also love to share resources with my clients - books they may like to read for further information and tools and insights that I have used in my personal experiences.

    There can also be a shift in how we perceive space, meaning our own personal space and energetic boundaries.

  • Sitting in stillness with another brings a pause. It can be a reset

    to our energy. In Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, we tap into the natural rhythms of the universe which are reflected in our own systems. Tapping into this brings us back to our home, our very core. The nervous system is settled and re-tuned and reset.

    Consistency in this practice eventually has reminded my nervous of it’s preferred state of ease and flow. You might find you move with more ease and flow too, allowing your emotions to flow as well.

  • In Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, we are taught to work with the liver, gallbladder, spleen, heart, adrenals, bladder, kidneys, ovaries, prostrate, stomach, and the intestines.

    Our organs tend to hold a lot of emotions and they can be held for a long time. BCST can help to shift our organs (even if they’ve been taken out of us) and the emotional baggage held there that may be keeping us limited or impacting our physical health.

  • Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy can help with physical, emotional and relational trauma by working with all levels of our system - the mental, physical, and spiritual.

    Many people need a team to help and resolve trauma, and BSCT can be a terrific option to add.

    Traumas cause our nervous system to become dysregulated. Prolonged exposure to trauma can have a severe impact on our systems, causing us to be on near high alert.

    This therapy allows the client to reorient to the parasympathetic nervous system. Often, somatic work is used when working with trauma. As with all sessions, trauma work may require a course of treatments in conjunction with the treatments prescribed by your health care practitioner.


“You Are Too Sensitive!”


Calling All Angels-My Personal Healing Team