“You Are Too Sensitive!”

I’ve heard that phrase throughout my life, my parents to siblings to teachers to co-workers. Have you?

Did you know that 15-20% of the population have a (likely inherited trait) of high sensitivity which allows for a greater ability to receive to stimulus, and there is a greater difference in our arousability to stimulus that may go undetected to others.

They are more prone to picking up on energetic details of situations, they feel emotions (including other’s emotions) very deeply, and they can pick up on nuances that allow them to sense energetic shifts that cause alert in their systems. They may become easily overstimulated by audio or visual stimuli, too many people. They tend to reflect more and sort things out until they become finer and finer.

“This greater awareness of the subtle tends to make you more intuitive, which simply means picking up and working through information in a semiconscious or unconscious way.”

- Elaine Aaron, The Highly Sensitive Person, How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You

When I found Elaine Aaron’s book “The Highly Sensitive Person”, it changed my life. I had been criticized so many times for being too sensitive, from a very young age and well into adulthood. You start to think that there’s something wrong with you. It wasn’t until my late 20’s when I finally realized that sometimes people didn’t feel or see things quite like I did. It was in this, and in this book, that I began to see this high sensitivity as a gift.

While the high sensitivity was inconvenient and made me feel separate from others at times, it also helped me to pick up on subtleties. When I began studying energy work, it was very easy for me to tap into what was being shown to me. There was a lot that could be done in energy healing sessions. We learned to untangle energetic cords attached to people from our past that may not be for our highest good. Sometimes traumatic memory imprints would need come up that needed attention. We learned to look at past lives that may be impacting us now in this life. Sometimes, I would see symbols that I wasn’t quite sure what they represented, but they usually made sense to the client.

As much as I loved energy work, I found a lot of people were either sacred of it, scoffed at it, or thought it was against God. My decision to move into Biodynamic Craniosacral work was multi-faceted. I wanted to learn about the body and I wanted to be able touch my clients beyond the head, feet, & hands that my cosmetology degree permits. And, I wanted people to take me more seriously. I had no idea the amount of ontology, and anatomy I had signed myself up for, much less the cadaver videos, which were not scary at all after all.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy requires attention to those subtle details. When I had my first craniosacral session many years ago, I was a bit stunned that the practitioner stood a good 3 feet away from me to evaluate my energy and listen to the tides in my system before she touched me. Now I understand.

What exactly is it that I feel when I’m working on someone? It varies. Sometimes I feel a pulsating energy telling me that a particular area wants attention. Other times, I may notice an imbalance of energy overall when comparing say, one leg to another or one eye to another, showing there could be a block in energy somewhere. Sometimes, there are sensations - electrical, watery, fiery.

It’s not all about feeling - some of what Biodynamic Craniosacral Practitioners do is seeing in their mind and sensing the motility and placement of bones, organs. At times, there are emotions and themes that come up as these sacred pieces of us, often used at stored containers for retained emotions and trauma. This work can bring up intense emotions, and RSCT’s are trained to help facilitate a shift to release these emotions, leaving more space for joy in the present moment.

What do client’s feel in a session? That can vary so much. I can say this, it very much brings you into your body. It’s very grounding. Often times people feel physical sensations whether in person or at a distance but again, that can vary. To be honest, my very own husband doesn’t feel too much when I work on him,. I had another friend that just about laughed wondering who on earth would pay for this! So, as with most things, It’s not for everyone.

Sometimes, the effects aren’t realized for a while, especially with ongoing treatments. Over a long time, clients have noticed increased awareness of their personal space, increased connection to self, more clarity, increased balance and awareness.

However, if you’re curious about alternative healing modalities and have been trying to shift some aspect of your overall wellness for a long time without success, you might want to consider it.

I feel it’s sacred work - it’s you, it’s me, and the third element of a session - the force that connects us all, God, Goddess, Spirit, Source, whatever you choose to call it. By nature of our work, BCST’s are not to take credit for any of the results of their work.

This work and these modalities have changed my life in so many ways.

If you are seeking change, it would be my honor to work with you.


10 Benefits of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy